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Work Health

WH 2021, 2(2), 1-7

Fire and explosion consequence of analysis with the DOWS fire and explosion index method on diesel tank in a construction project in Indonesia: A case study


Smart Rusdanarto*, Fandita Tonyka Maharani, Arga Buntara

Public Health Departement, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta

Introduction: Fire and explosion accident has enormous impact and difficult to predict. The Project X was a construction site that has a diesel tank of 5000 liters. The diesel tank has the potential to generate fire and explosion. Therefore, it was crucial to do a consequence analysis. This study aimed to analyze the fire and explosion consequences in the diesel tank in the Project X. 

Methods: This research was a descriptive study using the value of Dows Fire and Explosion Index method. This study obtained the Fire and Explosion index value of 28.83, so it was included in the light category. 

Results: The area of exposure was 171.018 m2. The loss control credit factor was 0.873. Even though the value of Fire and Explosion Index was light, the resulting impact still relatively large. 

Discussion: The area of exposure was affected not only the project area but also affects the community area. The loss control credit factor in the project area has not been influential. It was suggested that the Project X improve their fire and explosion protection system.

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