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Journal of Social, Management and Tourism Letter

JSMTL 2022, 10 pages - Article ID: JSMTL-2312282112872

Review of Renewable Energy Role in Supply Chain


Amin Yahyazadeh a

a Department of Mechanical, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia

Key performance indicators (KPIs) that are essential for expanding the role of renewable energy in the supply chain are thoroughly examined in this research review. Understanding how important it is to strike a balance between economic feasibility and environmental sustainability, the study looks at a wide range of indicators to help with strategic decision-making. Businesses that want to be in line with global sustainability goals must integrate renewable energy sources, like wind and solar power. The KPIs that have been identified include metrics that monitor the share of renewable energy, on-site capacity, and improvements in energy efficiency. These metrics give businesses a road map for reducing their carbon footprint and eventually realizing significant cost savings. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of stakeholder engagement and supply chain adoption, stressing the multiplier effect of cooperative sustainability initiatives. Indicators such as return on investment (ROI) for renewable energy investments highlight financial sustainability and make sure that the financial advantages of sustainability programs are properly measured and conveyed. The study also emphasizes how innovation and technology adoption can maximize the use of renewable energy sources while promoting resilience and adaptability. Going forward, a continuous improvement mindset is required due to the dynamic nature of renewable energy technologies. Ongoing initiatives, innovation metrics, and industry recognition indicators emphasize maintaining a leading position in sustainable practices. Businesses that actively adopt these KPIs position themselves as leaders in resilience, innovation, and corporate social responsibility in addition to being environmental stewards. These qualities are crucial for navigating the complexities of a rapidly changing global business landscape.

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