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International Journal of Engineering & Technology Sciences

IJETS 2013, 1(4), 177-191

Malicious Insider Attacks Based Colored Petri Nets Approach


Abdelali EL BOUCHTI *a, Abdelkrim HAQIQ

a Computer, Networks, Mobility and Modeling laboratory e-NGN research group, Africa and Middle East FST, Hassan 1st University, Settat, Morocco

In this paper, we propose Colored Petri Net (CoPNet) modeling approach by extending the attack trees with new modeling constructs and analysis approaches. CoPNet based attack model is flexible enough to model Internet intrusion, including the static and dynamic features of the intrusion. The process and rules of building CoPNet based attack model from AT are also presented. In order to evaluate the risk of intrusion, some cost elements are added to CoPNet based attack modeling. We show how attack trees can be converted and analyzed in CoPNets. Finally, we provide a malicious insider attacks as case study that illustrates the CoPNet approach.

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